Wednesday, April 13, 2022

(Mostly) WW: Majestic Oaks novice course

With JT's help and a French link elevator 3 ring (reins on the 2nd ring though), LH and I tackled the novice course from their show this past weekend. 

We warmed up over a few jumps including this training level wedge, good boy! 

He was super and I actually rode (maybe that sentence should be reversed...) 


  1. Nice job!! Those cross country novice jumps always look so huge to me, it seems like something called "novice" should be much smaller!

    1. Thank you! When I look at the tables I do have to tell myself they are no taller than the jumps in the ring!! Crazy part is I've been told eventing used to start as the preliminary level. So ever since they named that they've been having to work backwards with names lol

    2. Just the fact that they are solid makes them so intimidating! Well done!

  2. omg i love that video haha! you guys look great, and wow he really is a very nice type!

    1. JT is pretty talented at golf cart and videoing at the same time! And yes, he is something special, I got really lucky finding him!
