Wednesday, June 28, 2023

WW: Goggles goes for a lunge

The day I set up my pivo last week was definitely a two steps back kinda day after a week of steps forward. 

Really wanted to fight the side reins tracking right

And couldn't find a level balance in them 

Much better without them

Balance aided by some walk-trot transitions

Weeeeee leaning in on that inside shoulder like WOAH 

Afterwards we hung out in block one in the arena. Given his shenanigans while lunging I thought he'd be more up, but he actually settled right down. 

Dogs were barking in the distance 

He wanted to keep hanging out after I turned him out

If you've made it this far... what are your thoughts on lunging green horses? Side reins? Pessoa? Nothing? 

I think we might have reached a point where the side reins have stopped being helpful for the time being. He is much more willing to accept contact now and be consistent in it, but he's starting to hang on that contact quite a bit. Looking at the 30 minute video I took, I think the side reins might now be encouraging him to lean into them too much. His balance was better without them for the most part. 

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