Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Relationship Problems

A while back, I shared the fact that Ben couldn't seem to keep from getting ingested by the GY's horses and consequently was unhappy in solo turnout. We've come up with the magic solution for that now- he goes out solo, next to friends, at night and seems pretty content, and then is with her horses for the day. Eliminating the morning in gate hang out pre breakfast means that he gets a nip mayyybe once a month. Totally tolerable and he is extremely happy with this set up. 

Now, now friends, Goggles is the problem. And he's the opposite problem. On the one hand he's never looked this relaxed:

But on the other hand, he's also dropped weight in the past month since moving. His barn owner, who worked with Seminole to come up with a feeding plan for him before he even moved there, is ON IT. And she felt terrible when I pointed it out and compared her own pictures and came up with a whole plan. The plan involves more expense because it involves more food, completely makes sense. 

But we think part of his weight is also the fact that he paces his pasture fence during the day. He's next to her four horses, but that isn't good enough for him. With full disclosure of his prior behavior, she turned her mini mare out with him. Well. He promptly turned around to aim both shod hooves at her and then started chasing. WTF dude. You cannot pine for friends and then try to kill your friend. 

We're starting him on a calming supplement, but I'm at a loss. He does not care about food. Where Ben or Yoshi could be tempted to chill with a nice pile of alfalfa, Goggles gives no shits. In fact, orchard is his favorite, but even that has little draw if his friends go to the far side of their field (always within his view). 

A friend has very generously offered a pony mare who she says 1. Probably won't let him kick her and 2. She doesn't care if he does. But then I'd be paying his extra expensive board and paying board for a third house. All fun activities would go out the window because that would be 100% of my horse budget. Plus I don't want him to actually hurt something. 

I'm working on making his tether longer in other ways: we explore further and further down the road off property after each ride and he's constantly going places on the trailer. He's getting better at both these things. When he's in his stall he doesn't care that much about where the rest of the horses are. But he cannot consistently settle in the pasture. There are definitely times where I come out and he is eating in the back, but there are plenty where he's right at the fence staring and/or pacing. 

Anyone got brilliant ideas that don't involve me boarding 3 horses? 

His current set up is in at night with an attached paddock and out during the day. His pasture is maybe an acre and and shares a fence with a two acre pasture that her four horses share. They can never go out of sight, the pastures are both just flat grass with no trees, but they can go to the far side of the field and that seems to be when he's most upset. 


  1. Was he cut late? I had good luck on a previous gelding with depo/regumate, turns out the behavior was hormonal/studdish…that horse was not competing though, not sure if those meds are ok for a horse that is showing, hope you can find something that works for him!

    1. I don't know for sure when he was gelded. I got him as a just turned 4 yo and he was gelded prior to that. But I will certainly ask my vet what she thinks about trying depo if his herbs don't help.

  2. ugh good luck.... i'm so grateful for the opportunities at my farm for large group turn out in gigantic pastures, but that seems like an increasingly rare option. seems like the larger groups are better at helping young horses assimilate with manners and whatnot, tho ya know... you can't ever really completely eliminate the risk (ie, charlie may or may not be covered in bites from playing, and doozy got kicked a couple weeks ago, whoops....)

    1. I would have such guilt if he were the bully in the big group though!

  3. I have had great luck with Positude from Equine Elixers. It takes the edge off some of the edgier ones and allows them to settle. It's show legal and pretty affordable at $55/mo.

    1. Thank you! That is good to know. The barn owner recommended silver lining herbs, so that is what is arriving today. But if that doesn't work I'll give Positude a try.

  4. I’m so sorry there isn’t a practical way that he could live with his Waffle. ☹️ Being three hours away makes that so hard! We are happy to bring him for a tune up if that would help! I wonder if there would be a way he could come for turn out at his new place and adjust his attitude and then someone else could go in with him before he gets his confidence back? There has to be some way, because you now know with the right friend, he does ok. It just needs to be a bossy one. He can’t handle supervisory duties. 😂

    1. He so needs his Waffle to keep him in line!! I think the obvious solution here is you moving to the Gainesville/Ocala area...

      That is definitely an interesting thought on back to back sessions with establishing the rules first. I do think he's such a cheeky snot though that the effect would wear off pretty quickly and he'd push the boundaries within a day or two again.
