Saturday, February 8, 2025

Stall Rest... Going Great

Ya'll... I have lucked into a life of few injuries. And I guess thank goodness for that because I don't do well with resting. Please stop reading now if you don't want to hear my SUPER FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS whine. 

Anyways, it's been a little over a WEEK since I sprained my ankle, and I am struggling. The ankle (generously using that term, it was really from digits to mid-calf) blew up like a balloon initially. Now that has subsided and the past two days have been a more concerning swelling - focused right over the probable injured deltoid ligament. Greatttttt. I've been doing some mobility exercises each day and my husband has done a few dolphin stim sessions (like electroacupuncture but without the needles). It will get there, it's just taking longer than I wanted, which, let's be honest, what I wanted was a full recovery in about 24 hours. 

Wednesday I went out and did a jumper show anyways. And it was great. When I missed to a fence and slipped the reins and then felt like I threw them away for the last few fences, Butterball actually jumped beautifully. OOOOOHHHH. I've been doing too much too stiffly with my hands. K. Got it. Next round went better. BUT when I saw the pictures Lisa Madren took along with some of the still shots from the videos, I was leaning right. Now I love me a good lean on the best of days, but I think I was protecting the left ankle. Alright. Not fair to the pony to go jump things while the left ankle doesn't have good mobility and strength. 

When we got home, Butterball flopped down for his midday nap that the trip had RUDELY caused him to miss. I love him. 

Seriously, you know I need a midday siesta...

Okay, so shouldn't go jump things and do two point and all that. But surely I can go trail ride.... so Friday we headed over to San Felasco. 

Getting cleaned up before leaving

I love this area with the quiet cushioned pine needles

DUCK!! There are still SO MANY trees down from Helene

Unfortunately I discovered that even worse than just having my feet in the stirrups and doing things was the motion of picking my stirrup back up after moseying along with my feet out. That mild inversion motion is really unpleasant with injured lateral ligaments. Boo. Butterball was fantastic for the trail ride though, done all in his snackamore. I didn't necessarily have brakes when we trotted and cantered, but I didn't super need them either. 

He was really wanting to spook at each trail sign, so I started a cookie for touching signs reward policy. By the end he was shoving his nose onto them then craning his head around. Hrmmmm that may backfire on me at some point. 

So that is the summary of my week of "recovery". Mostly written because I'm sitting in my house rather than out playing with my pony before work. 


  1. Being sidelined sucks. I hope you're back at it sooner than later. I love that he figured out touch=cookie so fast. Chip is the same way LOL

    1. I got the idea from you writing about it with Chip! I've carried treats to reward calm behavior in sketch situations before, but never specifically with spooky objects in mind.

  2. Oh Butterball, he's such a hoot! Sorry to hear the ankle is taking a while to heal. Hang in there, and don't forget to let yourself rest!

    1. He is hilarious and SO CUTE. And he knows it!!!

  3. That round looks really well ridden, nice job! Good luck with the ankle too. I’ve had a number of repeat injuries there, none of which I properly rehabbed… and yea it ain’t great lol

    1. Oh boy, you're giving me motivation to do this right so at some point I get to stop thinking about it.

  4. Poor lady! Wishing you a speedy recovery (you don't have to tell me about any of those ankle / foot / leg issues, I feel like I'm still there)
