Monday, September 16, 2024

August Wrap Up

Better late than never? And heeeeyyyyyyy, look who is back on the chart!!




Training rides





2 – 1 each jump and dressage


1 – ponied

2 – 1 ponying Ben, 1 at JT’s

Ground work, lunge, long line

4 – lunge sessions


Flat rides



Conditioning rides



XC school


1 – training ride at Magnolia Sands



1 – Majestic Oaks BN

Random side note before getting into their individual recaps, I tried out the spot on fly/tick repellant (Farnam equispot) in August. Neither got ticks for the rest of the month, but apparently high dose permethrins do something to sweat glands. They both had dry spots in the spots where it was applied. This lasted for several days before going back to sweating all over. I will still use it in the peak tick months, but I certainly would NOT put this on a horse who had any tendency towards anhidrosis. Strange stuff. 

Random dry patch right under the withers where it was applied. You can see it a tiny bit on the shoulder too.

Goggles: This was a tricky month for shoes and this kid. He spent the first week down at JT's in training still, but then lost a shoe there and couldn't get it back on for a few days because of the hurricane. He came home after the Majestic show and promptly lost a hind. I was ignoring that, but a few days later he lost a front. Three days after that we finally coordinated with the farrier to get them both back on. Spoiler alert, they then stayed on until his 5 week appointment a few days ago, thank goodness. Overall though, he benefitted from the time at JT's and had a new found softness in our work at home. 

He's trustworthy enough to hunt for shoes bareback. Unfortunately the tall perspective still didn't help me find them. One turned up a few days ago, but this field has about 5 at this point. 

Looking forward for him, hopefully September will be the month where he finds himself a new person. He threw a wrench in that plan by getting quite a cut that didn't stay closed so now is in the open stages of healing. But we'll get there. Being in a stall for a bit probably wasn't the worst thing to stop his quest to remove all of his shoes either. 

Ben: YAY! My best dude went back to work. He got wraps put on by a trimmer on the 12th and was immediately walking better. 

Spoiler alert: these stayed on 4.5 weeks before both coming off the same night/day


Soaking the hinds with white lightning for some white line

I gave him a week to get back to feeling right through his body, and then we started back with a few short lunges. The last week of August I popped on him, and he's been feeling pretty good since then. His canter reaalllly wanted to be stuck, but as soon as I remembered I needed to move my own back and not just sit and ponder how stuck he felt, things got way better. 

Work?? Why tho? 

For him September will be another month of building back up. He's getting his wraps reset on the 16th and then I do plan to get back with his farrier to get him in some composites before he starts over fences. He feels really good in the wraps, but I can tell he's wincing a bit on hard ground still. He's also going to get adjusted in the middle of September which should help his overall feeling too. 

Butterball: Obviously the most important news of August was buying a golden hony at the end of the month. September will be a busy month for us as we get to know each other and then end the month with our first recognized outing at Stable View


  1. so glad to hear Ben is doing well!! are you going to try to get him going again?
