Monday, September 30, 2024

Weekend Happenings

Somewhat needless to say, Butterball and I did not trek to Aiken this past weekend. We would've been fine getting out of Florida, but once it became apparent how hard the storm hit the Carolinas (as well as many other areas), we called it. In spite of that, the hard working crew at Stable View got things cleaned up and running as well as sorting out getting water to all the horses on grounds.

Our house was less than 80 miles from where Helene made landfall. Considering that, we were incredibly lucky. A few big limbs down but no major damage. Good thing we were late getting seeds in the ground this year in the garden, the young plants wouldn't have stood a chance, but this way they were just emerging after the storm. We did exist in a state of half power at home for 48 hours before the dedicated and amazing line crews got it back up. We are on a well as are the barns where Goggles, Ben, and Butterball live. No power means no running water. Growing up in that same situation, we had an artesian well. But when we asked about drilling one here we were told it isn't possible. Given the number of springs we live near, I'm confused by this. But my knowledge of hydrogeology is about zero. Fortunately at home and both barns, there are generators that run to power the well pumps. And battery powered and plug in fans made sleeping tolerable at home. 

Was delighted by 82 degrees and open windows. She did have the courtesy not to take her usual sleeping spot directly ON me while it was this warm. 

Butterball got to go for bareback hacks on Thursday before the storm and Friday after the storm. It was blown through our area by about 7am on Friday, but I waited until the afternoon to head out to see him so I wasn't clogging up roads or running into too many down trees. 

Pre storm hack

Post storm, post hack grooming

Saturday we did some dressage. He was very positive he was a trail pony by that point and tried to drag me out the driveway twice to go wander. But we did end up getting some very nice canter transitions done. 

So as to not completely miss out on galloping and jompies for the weekend, I made plans with Amanda and another friend to go to Majestic on Sunday. Goggles actually got to go along as well because the other friend's horse had less than the desired number of shoes on.  

Please may I touch the pony???


Googles has been coming back into work the past 1.5 weeks post stall rest for his large cut. I've been doing a lot more with the Equiband with him on the lunge, and it seems to be doing really great things for him. Saturday he came out soft and responsive and had the most delightful trot and canter work. He just stepped into the canter and stayed soft and bending throughout it. I quit after just 15 minutes because with that quality work I wanted him to be rewarded. He continued to be a good fellow for the XC adventure. When it was insisted that he could in fact hold himself up headed downhill and could lift off his inside shoulder he complied quite well.

Presto and Goggles together are trouble. They wanted to start a grand game of bitey face/tack. Butterball wisely let the two large chaos horses have their moments without him. 

Butterball was fantastic as per usual. We bopped around mostly novice lines with a few training fences thrown in. We kept it pretty light and fun overall. I was guilty of riding him too much like a pony a few times. And he was throwing in a few more bucks. Our newly repaneled saddle is getting looked at on Thursday. In the trot he feels very happy with it, so I don't know that it's the problem. The bucks do seem to coincide with turning back away from home and being asked to use his butt, so maybe there is a degree of pony-tude to them. We're going for a supervised school tomorrow, so I'll get JT's input as well. 

Then it was time for him to move to the same barn as Ben and Goggles! He will be out with Ben. Ben's gelding friend had left for the trainers that morning, so the barn owner's almost two year old filly had stepped in to be his friend. Though we removed her from the field before putting BB in, this did spell a little trouble because Ben fancied himself a badass with a GF. He was quite a jerk to poor BB and guarded the side of the fence closest to the barn where his GF had gone. Even at his worst though Ben still isn't terrible so we left them to work it out. 

BB being a good friend to his buddy at JT's

Enjoying the grass, but wondering why he got put out with such a jerk

When I checked on him a few hours later, BB was in the far corner of the pasture and eyeing Ben. Fortunately there's water in multiple spots, but he did have messed up hair on his butt where it appeared that Ben had bit him. Sheesh Ben 🙄. I know Ben will come around soon, but I still feel bad for my poor sweet pony. 


  1. glad you guys made it through the storm mostly ok, and even better that you were still able to get out for some fun riding -- that video is awesome! BB looks like such a cool dude!

  2. Glad y'all made it through the storm okay and got power restored relatively quickly!
