Friday, May 31, 2024

(Unrelated) Photo Friday

Llama or horse? 

Leaning towards llama

Oh! A horse! 

Could go either way 

This doll got herself a UTI. NBD, right? Except when you have a fake ureter. Who knows if we'll be able to get the infection cleared, so I'm treasuring every moment with her. 

Like during my cats first near death experience in Sept 2022 when she got the ureter (SUB) placed, I find it easier to turn over the reins and play owner while I'm emotional about her. Here is AT popping Goggles around the XC jumps at JTs. 

He cantered three jumps in a row in a lovely rhythm. AND did the ditch on the first go. Good boy!!

Meanwhile Ben was in a stall so his wraps could set on his feet (more on that later). He had hay but still flung everything he could reach. He's such a goofball. 


Exploring this of his own free will, I was just letting him graze nearby. Ben is so good at giving confidence about the tarp, coming over to sniff it while I move it around and such, good older brother. 

Introducing barn kitty Sapphire. There are three (or four) barn cats. Sapphire doesn't think she should work for a living and consequently doesn't. She leaves the hunting pocket gophers to her brothers. She is always up for pets or more food. 


  1. I love the pictures of the boys hanging out in their paddocks - so jealous!

    1. They adore each other, it makes me so happy. I'm considering trying turnout together again soon. They're actually so attached that they're not using the shade in each of their individual fields because they want to stick together at the fence line.

  2. aw, i'm so sorry to hear things are in such a tough spot with your kitty right now, sending jingles and hopefully thoughts about an easy recovery!! Goggles is looking good at least, aside from those llama moments ;)

    1. Thank you, she's one tough cookie, but I never want to cross the "just because we could, should we" line of treatment for her.
