Monday, January 27, 2025

Majestic Movie Monday

Butterball and I met a saddle fitter at Majestic yesterday. She was amazing; I'll talk more about the saddle fitting itself later. She also thought Butterball was so cool, really who doesn't though?? 

Hillary met me there after the fitting and snagged some video and acted as my oh shit dial 911 and catch my horse person (and ended up catching someone else's horse actually).

My original plan was to run the whole novice course from the last recognized there. But it was a popping Sunday and instead I opted for just stringing a few together and then circling back for the training line a couple of times. It was one of those magical days where it all came together. We've swapped saddles, have his feet back on the right track, and have been plugging away at the lessons. Everything just clicked and felt great. He felt so game and confident. I was able to focus a bit more on keeping my hands forward and down over the fence and through his landing. There's plenty that wasn't perfect, as always, but I really couldn't be more pleased. 

Some screenshots if the whole video is too much. 

Butterball was also delighted because he got to vacuum the alfalfa off the floor of the trailer. 


So I'm ready to go home now! 

Later on this week we'll do one more stadium school before Three Lakes next Saturday. I'm on the fence about squeezing in a dressage lesson. But leaning towards probably not since I actually work 40+ hours this week and need to go walk the course and see Three Lakes on Friday. 


  1. Ugh, he looks like so much fun! I want a Butterball type ride on XC someday.

  2. So jealous lol can’t wait to get out there again too!! You guys look great and that’s exciting about the improved saddle situation!

    1. Thank you! I hope it thaws out and gives y'all some good ground conditions soon!!

  3. He looks like such a fun ride! Love that video. He's like, "Wheeee, boing!" the whole time.

    1. He is such a delight! Initially things looked bigger from his back compared to the TBs, but when he's jumping like that it feels like he could just BOING over anything.
