Monday, September 4, 2023

Much media, much baby horse

Things have been very active in the baby horse department. AND! AND! I have a grand plan so baby horse will get to stay with JT in training until the end of December. Much excitement to be had. 

I also have media from two separate exciting things... 


Goggles did his first grid! He had long lined the day before and walked through the cavaletti bounce on the lowest setting of the cavaletti. He tried to nope out of number two and got told what for. He apparently learned the lesson quite well because he did not even veer a tiny bit through the grid. It was three bounces, a one stride, and then another one stride followed by a placing pole. We walked through it as ground poles in hand first and then I went and tacked him up and then we walked through it, still as poles, under saddle several times. We did another few passes at the trot and then made the world's tiniest half cross rails out of the bounces and world's tiniest real cross rail of the first one stride. He was an absolute champion. He fumbled through the bounces the first couple of times but still didn't touch poles, just did a leg salad at the trot. 

The last time through, the wheels in his brain turned and he figured out cantering made things make the most sense. So even though we'd been encouraging him to trot in and pick up the canter over the first one, he decided to canter before and did it beautifully. 

Such a good, brave baby horse. JT and I were both delighted with him. 

Looking so enthused but also so grown up all of a sudden, pre-ride

Acquired his own bit and bridle and sparkly browband, hand me down from Yoshi, therefore not matching with the bridle 

Each time through the grid he figured it out more and more. He kept his brain engaged the whole time and listened to direction. I could not be happier. 


He had his second training ride with JT! He's been in partial training with her since the end of July, but she correctly deduced he needed A LOT of long lining to have a few fights about connection with himself. And he has benefited so much from it. She rode him once a week or two ago, but I was out of town. This time I was around to watch and video. 

He was SO GOOD!!! He did baby baby leg yields and each time he gave more of the right answer. The first time he did a half step sideways and got a load of praise. The next time he offered 75% more. How cool! 

She was insistent that he hold himself and that he keep his shoulders in front of his haunches. She explained the ball of energy, the bit is the top of the trapezoid, rider's legs are the base, the energy ball is over the withers ideally because that's what you want to lift. And you use leg and to a lesser degree rein to keep the energy ball in line. If they're behind the leg, the energy ball has slipped back. If they're running, it is too far forward. Focus on keeping it in the right spot with leg, your own balance, and occasionally rein. 

She also helped with the timing of the halt aids. I had been struggling with being able to put leg on into the halt, but she was getting after me because without leg they will just drag down and get heavy and hard. Seeing her do it made it so much more clear. 

Then they worked on the canter. Again she emphasized that he's really pretty naturally balanced in the canter, so don't rush him forward and off that balance. They did work on the right lead transition with a bit of a conversation about shaking him off the left shoulder when he tried to yank down onto that and fall onto the left lead. 

He did quite a few 15m canter circles and even the long side of the arena. The lack of struggle I've had doing 20m canter circles on the 17h(+??) 4 year old has been amazing. I don't have a ton of experience with green beans, but he is hands down the easiest I've ever sat on in that regard. 

Look at that hind leg!


Left lead too!

Pats for the goodest boy

Goes without saying we're not fussing with his head right now. His body parts have to be straight and he has to be going forward, he can put his head wherever he feels like it.

I'm still holding hostage the video I pulled all these screenshots from, perhaps for another post. It has JT's commentary of exactly what she's doing, and a lot of me irritatingly saying "yeah" very close to the microphone. But her commentary is incredibly helpful. 


  1. "Without leg, they will just drag down" yep living that life. We are still working with the right lead canter - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. Keep us posted on if there's more that helps you out

    1. Having the timing of a trainer seems most important LOL! We haven't really done any exercises per say, but I'll definitely update if we do. I guess the not flailing over two trot poles and the gymnastic are both kinda lessons in carry yourself though.

  2. clever goggles!!! i LOVE grids, and looks like maybe he might like them too! also it's so funny, doozy is so much more balanced than i'm used to with charlie too, it's.... actually pretty nice LOL

    1. Having naturally balanced greenies is fantastic! How lucky we both are!

  3. He looks so confident through that grid for such a green bean!

    1. He was so good! Never even thought about anything other than straight through!
