Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WW: Goggles' Treat Review

Absolute favorite and he acts like a normal horse begging for them

Approved as well, but not as delicious as carrots

Smartpak FTW, the first packed cookie I found that he would eat

These are the only two flavors I've tried. TBH Ben already has so many reject treats to eat I haven't wanted to branch out and try the other flavors yet

Goggles got to try these fancy treats at JT's. He ate them, but wasn't doing cartwheels about it.  Considering how pricy they are, he isn't getting his own bag. 

I've seen multiple good reviews of the Uckele Equi Treats, but Goggles said NO. Ben thinks they're pretty great, but he thinks everything is pretty great, so it is hard to tell if these are better than average. 

Uhmmm, what? I would eat these things. But he won't. 

These also smell amazing. But no. 

Solid no. Wouldn't even try. 

Before we discovered the SmartPak cookies we went off the beaten path to try to find something packaged he would eat... barn owner suggested savory. He tried them, but did not like. 

When we were deep in the trailer training over the winter, Ryan thought surely carrot cake cupcakes would be appealing. NOPE! 

Homemade horse cookies (I don't remember if I've shared the link, they're delicious unless you're Goggles) oat, carrot, molasses

What about your ponies? Any go-to faves for the picky ones? Or are they like Ben and the NO list is non-existent? We haven't tried a lot of non-traditional fresh fruit, but I don't have high hopes for any of it. 

Link to the homemade horse cookies if you want to do some baking. They're super easy and tasty for horses AND humans. 


  1. My last project horse, an "Amish Warmblood" (perch cross) named Charlie, worked for Buckeye Peppermint Bits -- flat disks of compressed grain powder with peppermint oil, no added sugar, great because they won't dissolve in your sweaty pocket. He will do anything for a big enough handful of them, including marching across a flapping tarp. Thus his show name, "Charlie Five Mints". The new OTTB, Marley, took one, then said "Nah, I'm good!"-- same for apple slices. Sweet feed is okay with her -- and now we've tried MannaPro Apple Bits from Chewy's -- those are far cheaper than the Buckeye treats, also hold their shape in pockets, and she LOOOVES them. She has apparently not gotten many treats in her life, and really doesn't have the concept down yet; she's just learning the phrase "Marley, treat!" brings good things and is worth relocating/working for. And her neck is still too stiff to reach around and get them from little me in the saddle -- she's near 17 hands -- so for now we do slow sideways carrot stretches dismounted, and someone else on the ground hands her a treat when I deem she's earned it when I'm aboard.

    1. We've tried the buckeye treats and he was uninterested, but I'll have to try the MannaPro version! Too funny with Charlie Five Mints.

  2. Both of mine will eat almost ANYTHING except watermelon and bananas. Those German Horse Muffins are like crack to them lol

    1. Bananas are a no from both of mine as well. Ben eats watermelon, Goggles hasn't actually been offered yet, so we'll see!

  3. wtf, how can he not like peppermints??? charlie's race trainer literally hand-wrote on his paperwork at the OTTB adoption place that peppermints were his favorite treats lol (also omfg at the fritos haha)

    1. He's such a strange bird! Not looking peppermints is super inconvenient though!
