Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wordless Wednesday: Zinger


Trail riding into the state park with picnic lunches 

BN event at Fannin Hill 

Levitating while playing

His canter was the most perfect thing I've ever felt 

3' jumpers at a schooling show in Sarasota 

Dressage + overall BN at Fannin Hill

Sorry about all the times I held onto your face over the jump. Peter Gray clinic at the Holling's farm. He had us show our horses the stone wall before jumping it. Zing wouldn't go closer than about 10' from it at the walk, but as soon as I pointed him at it he said "Got it, but I'm sure not going to touch it." 

Same clinic, sometimes I managed to release. Still staring at the ground. 

Dressage show in high school. We were both such babies in this picture. I miss that face and those pricked ears so much.